Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Week

Nina, Josh's brother Nate and our three nieces Marisa, Megan, and Mia came to visit during Christmas week. What do you do to entertain FIVE girls for a week?? You go to the Adventure Science Center, go to GoofBalls, swimming, play games, paint pottery, go out for lunches/dinners/ice cream, ride bikes/scooters, play soccer and go to the park! What a crazy busy, crazy fun week:) We even had a chance to do a photo shoot of all the girls together. They had so much fun and kept asking, what are we going to do next?! It was amazing to see how they communicated together since Marisa/Megan/Mia use sign language. They all figured it out and it was never an issue for them...all we heard were giggles out of all five of them:) Our girls adapted and were very quiet all week, they even picked up some signs and started using it with them which was very cute to see.

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