Sunday, January 31, 2010

Western Day

Ella had Western Day at school. The first two were when I dropped her off and the other two were what she looked like when I picked her up:) They had so much fun at school...they made their entire outfit including the horse!!

Girls Update

Happy Girl:)
Morning Snuggles

Light-Up TuTu from Shavonne and Marcus
Movie Night

Livi and Maddie Visit/Ella's 4th Birthday!

My cousin and her family came to visit the day after Christmas for a week. We had a ton of fun! The girls had a great time playing, painting, dressing up, etc. We went to the museum, went to Little Monkey Bizness, saw the Frog and the Princess, painted fairies, hung out, celebrated Ella's 4th birthday and went to the cabin in Breckenridge for New Year's Eve. Thank you for coming to visit, we miss you!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brooklyn's newborn photo shoot

Here are some pictures from Brooklyn's newborn photo shoot. She took some of Ella too while Brooklyn was having a bottle, which of course Ella was thrilled about! They are going to shoot both the girls this summer when Brooklyn is old enough to sit up and last longer for pictures. Looking forward to it:)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! We had another great Christmas this year!! Brooklyn wasn't quite old enough to get what was going on obviously but Ella was crazy this year! Ella and Josh got new guitars from Santa which was very exciting for her:) She wanted a hot pink one so she could be like Taylor Swift. They are learning to play them together. She also lucked out and got another hot pink rock guitar from Mimi and Papa so she can rock out by herself without us having to worry about her breaking it! Other favorite toys were the Disney Princess Castle and MALE barbie dolls:) She was excited to have some men to marry her Barbie princesses. She was so cute when she opened them because she immediately became shy and had a little smirk on her face. She makes them kiss and get married but only when no one is watching:) We love the Christmas season with all the parties, cookies, movies, decorations, lights, etc. It's always so sad when it's all over:( Looking forward to next year when the girls will both be into everything!

Brooklyn--Rolling Over!

Bumbo Chair

I love this little chair. Ella loved it when she was little and now Brooklyn is starting to enjoy it. I think they look hilarious in them:)

Ella's Christmas Program

Ella's Christmas program was so cute!! Of course though, she didn't sing a single word but we were proud of her for even going up on the stage:) Her friend Taylor was also in it, she's in a different class but they were all together on stage. It was hilarious watching all the little ones. We especially liked the kids that tried to sing as loud as they possibly could to the point where they were yelling and not singing! Too funny!!