Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Girls Day Out!

Ella and I had a girls day out a few weeks ago. Ever since we found out we were having a girl I looked forward to this girly stuff! We went out to breakfast, then got our nails done and then we went to the Polar Express ballet that was in town. We had so much fun. She is so grown up...where has the time gone?

Christmas Morning:)

Ella was very blessed this Christmas! Josh and I had set her bigger presents out the night before from Santa. Ella's room is upstairs now and ours is down stairs so she ended up waking up during the night and coming to our bed. The living room was dark so we didn't think she would see her presents but she came in and said, "Mama! Santa left me some more presents...I don't know what they are but they have princesses on them!!" We were cracking up:) This Christmas was so much fun with her! Thank you everyone for such a great Christmas!!! Hard to believe it's already over:(

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve this year, we went to the Melting Pot for fondue with Josh's mom and her friend Reba. It was SOO good! After dinner, we took a carriage ride through the town to see all the Christmas lights. We forgot our camera of course so we don't have any pictures!!! After the carriage ride we met some friends at church for a really nice service. Here are some pictures of Ella before we left for dinner. Of course it wouldn't be "Ella" is she didn't have a silly face picture:)

Christmas with Mimi and Papa

My mom and dad went to Ohio to visit my brother for Christmas this year. We celebrated Christmas with them the week before they left. Ella was thrilled to get all the Disney princess dresses and to find out that we are taking her to Disneyland!! She says that she can't wait to go to Cinderella's castle and dance with the prince:) We're in trouble!

Playing in the Snow and Making Cookies


After going to the candy factory, we went to see the Nutcracker. Ella is obsessed with the Nutcracker right now! Since she's too young to go to the real Nutcracker...we found a casual children's production of it. She was so excited! She new all the characters names and told us who they were when they came out.

Hammond's Candy Factory

We went to Hammond's Candy Factory to take a tour and eat some candy! They have a really cute gift shop full of lollipops and candy canes. Ella of course enjoyed every bit of it:)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Last weekend, we tried to go to Hammond's Candy Factory but it was SOOO crowded we couldn't do anything! We were bummed so we decided to go back another day and go to the aquarium instead. We had lunch inside the aquarium at a really cool restaurant that looks like you are underwater. The tables are surrounded by huge aquariums. Ella and her friend Taylor loved it! Inside the aquarium, Josh fed the sting rays! They swim up and suck the fish our of your finers! It's weird.

Fun with Taylor

Ella had her friend Taylor over the other night. They were having so much fun giggling and playing together. It was really sweet!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Playing in the Snow!

We FINALLY got enough snow to go play in! We've been waiting for awhile.

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Ella LOVED decorating the Christmas tree. She did an awesome job too, it was cute. Christms is going to be SO much fun this year with her. We can't wait!!!!

Thanksgiving Week

We had a busy Thanksgiving week. My brother, his wife, my brother-in-law and his friend all flew in for a visit. It was so nice to see everyone! We went shopping, to the movies to see Bolt, bowling, went to a Christmas tree lighting, hung out and played games. My sister-in-law's nephew (Zane) came over to play for awhile with Ella. They had so much fun:) Aunt Becca and Uncle Chris bought them both Brown's sweatshirts.