Saturday, July 31, 2010


Brooklyn loves saying hi to people:) We walk around the grocery store now and she smiles, waves and says, "Hi!" She also loves to say it to Josh when he walks in the door from work, it's really sweet!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dinosaur Ridge

Josh went golfing last weekend at a course that is carved into a canyon with real dinosaur fossils around it! There is a place called Dinosaur Ridge right next to it with other fossils and cool things to do that the girls and I went to. It was awesome! They loved it! It was really interesting to learn that part of Colorado used to be in the ocean! Ella and I learned a lot and she thought it was pretty much the coolest thing she's ever seen:)
Crocodile tracks climbing out of what used to be a river!

Playing with the fossils
Brooklyn standing next a fossil (to the left of her, rust color on the rock)
Our bus...Ella kept leaning over and whispering, "Mom, I LOVE this! This is SO cool! Can we come here all the time?!"
Huge dinosaur foot print coming down on top of Ella (they carved out the bottom so you can see the impression)
Mother dinosaur track
Mother and baby dinosaur tracks:)
Climbing on ripple tracks that used to be the ocean!
Mom..that's enough!
Girls digging for real fossils under the rocks!
Girls sitting by a dinosaur that is to scale of a real one.

Crazy Ella!

Ella's new trick:)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Josh's Company Picnic

Hot, humid and 99 degrees in Denver....and we had Josh's company picnic! Girls were so hot! Ella had a great time though in the jumping castle:) There was also a guy walking around on stilts...Ella looked at him and said, "Mama, don't let that man come near me ok?" She was terrified of him!

High School Reunion!

I can't believe it's really been 10 years! We had so much fun hanging out with such great friends and now their kids! Seems like our kids jumped in and picked up where we left off:) I was too busy catching up with everyone...I didn't take many pictures at all!!

Rylie, Lance and Ella (Becky's kids)
Becky and Cassie (we've been friends since middle school)

Cassie with her son Aiden
Becky (AKA Yhole Owl)
Brooklyn loved Becky! Everytime she had her, she'd snuggle up:)

Good Old Chuck E. Cheese!

Bored on a Friday night...You can never go wrong with Chuck E.'s always a good time! I know a lot of people think the pizza is disgusting but I LOVE IT!

Ella and Brooklyn

Brooklyn loves showing those teeth!

A day in the life of two little best friends:) Love these girls!
Ella with our new neighbor/best friend Brayden! They just moved in a couple months ago and these two have been inseperable! They both watch out our front windows and anytime one is outside, the other one has to go out. They have so much fun together!! They are both the same age so it's been great! He's such a sweet little boy:)
Out for an early morning walk.
This Ariel wig never gets olds, it's hilarious!
Ella re-uniting with friends Alexis and Kayla that she hasn't seen forever!

Brooklyn is starting to get the wrath of being a little sister...Ella put Mr. Potato Head's glasses on her while she was drinking her bottle. She didn't even seem to mind a bit.
Ella wanted to take her baby for a ride. Being the creative girl she is...she found a car seat, strapped her baby in it, then tied the car seat to Brooklyn's car and rode around the house:)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nine Months and Walking!

Ella is a very excited big sister as you can hear in the background:)

Brooklyn's New Dance Moves:)