Sunday, November 15, 2009

Growing like a weed!

Brooklyn is growing up so fast! She weighed 9lbs last week at the doctor! She is finally starting to have happier days now which is awesome!! She smiles all the time and recently began talking a little:) She has been blessed with some lovely baby acne that has taken over her poor little face:( If anyone has any natural remedies for it, we'd love to hear them! She had her first photo shoot last week and we were able to view the pictures for the first time last night...we will post those soon after we make our decisions. Ella continues to love on her over and over! She LOVES the fact that she can make Brooklyn smile now:)

The swing...our Saving Grace
I lost 150lbs with the amount of energy I have!

Josh's dad and family visit

Josh's dad and family came to visit last weekend. We had a great time just hanging out and going to the aquarium. Ella had so much fun playing with her cousin Matt:)

Waiting patiently for a fun balloon
Face painting simple yet so fun!
Josh's nephew Matthew with Ella
Ella requesting "two balls" in her hair
Josh's sister Kate
Josh's Step-mom Wendy
Josh's dad Steve

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick-or-Treat: Boo at the Zoo

We took Ella Trick-or-Treating at Boo at the Zoo this year. Brooklyn stayed home with my mom, thankfully. It was nice to have some alone time with Ella. It's been a little crazy in our house for Ella since the baby came along. After having a blizzard and 3-day snow day this week it was SO nice to get out of the house and enjoy some nice weather:) Our friends Mike and Lesley came with their daughter Taylor. The girls had a great time!! Oh and we ran into Carmelo Anthony from the Nuggets! He signed Taylor's trick or treat bag but Ella wasn't going to give up her candy bag for anything!

Strawberry Shortcake and our little Strawberry:)

Brooklyn--5 weeks

Brooklyn is getting bigger and bigger everyday! It's so sad...I just packed up her newborn clothes this morning because she has already out grown them! She is still a fussy little girl but we are working on it! She ended up being allergic to the "hypoallergenic" formula so we have now moved on to a prescription formula. HOPEFULLY this one will work out!! Please pray for a strong tummy:)

She is starting to fill out and get some cheeks on her:) She is also smiling a lot more too! Babies are so cute and so much fun!! Ella tells us at least once each day how much she loves having a baby here:)