Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chris, Becca and the Boys Visit!

Chris, Becca, Fisher and Perry drove down for Labor Day weekend! We had so much fun with them! We went to the Adventure Science Museum, the Zoo, and Monkey Joe's (inflatable pump up place). It was so nice to see them and hang out:) The girls had so much fun with the boys! Ella and Fisher are inseparable! Perry just hung out and smiled/cooed, very sweet:) Brooklyn was in her own little world. Her and Fisher have a love hate relationship...playing fine one second and the next fighting and egging each other on, it's so funny to watch! Thanks for making the trip, we miss you so much!

Sweet Fisher, snuggling under pillows:)

Brooklyn loved helping with Perry. Every time she saw him she would say (in a very high pitched voice), "Hi! Ohhh...cute baby!"
Sweet little Perry:)
Poop slide...I thought it was pretty creative, Ella was so grossed out she wouldn't even go down it:)

Josh and Chris playing the mind game
Adventure Science Museum


Ready for church!
Most kids sleep with a favorite blanket and maybe a stuffed animal. Brooklyn is now sleeping with two blankets, two small kittens, one large kitty, a lion, two babies, a purple hippo, one small puppy, one large puppy, and another small blanket to put on her babies. Every morning, she gathers them up and brings each one downstairs...every night, she gathers them up again and brings them upstairs. She remembers each one and if you don't have them all, she lets us know!
Making Banana Muffins
This is our neighbor Carter. He comes over Saturday mornings while Josh and his dad go play flag football. He is so cute, the girls loving playing with him! His mom just deployed to Afghanistan so we try to help out as much as we can.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Percy Priest Lake

We heard about a lake in Nashville and decided to go check it out. We came across a family beach that was so fun! The water was really warm! Ella loved playing in the sand while Brooklyn liked to practice going under water:)

Kindergarten!! Can't believe she's in Kindergarten!! We are so proud of her! After much debating, we decided to have her ride the bus. It was a huge step for all of us and probably one of the best decisions we've ever made! She has this new found independence that we have never seen and are very impressed with her:) She has overcome much of her shyness and has made some great new friends just in the past few weeks! We love that she is very excited to be in school:) Brooklyn and I miss her so much though during the day...she gets on the bus at 7:45am and it brings her back at 4:00pm everyday!