Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I had a fantastic Mother's Day! Josh and Ella were so sweet and made me a card. Josh got me a blackberry which I don't have a clue how to use but hopefully I'll figure it out! We went to church and then headed to Garden of the Gods to go hiking for the day. Ella was excited and kept saying, "I want to see God," on the way there, I don't think she quite got the concept that it's just in the name of the place but it was cute.

It was beautiful! That place is amazing! Ella kept up well. We stopped for a picnic and when she was done eating she popped up and said, "Come on dad! Let's go dad!" She was ready to head off again while we still needed to rest:) It was a perfect Mother's Day! Thank you Josh and Ella!!! Thanks for joining us mom, we had a ton of fun!

Planting Flowers!

Ella and I decided to plant some flowers after church last weekend. I told her I was hopeful that they would grow but also that I kill cactus so who knows?! Just about 2-3 days later...they grew! We were both so excited!


Now that the weather has warmed up a bit, we have re-newed our zoo membership and are looking forward to the summer when we can go a lot! It's such an awesome family spot:)

Updated Ella...

Ella is growing up so fast! We're attempting potty training again after I went into her bathroom and found her on the pot with a newspaper in hand:) I thought she might be ready! We'll see. She has always loved reading books ever since she was a baby and she is now getting into the whole concept of reading. She will trace her finger across the words and make something up that goes along with the pictures! She has also taken an interest in doing her own hair. I'll post pictures of that later, when we catch her doing it.

Fun with Daddy!

Josh is such a awesome daddy! He always makes Ella laugh! It melts me seeing him with her! This is just one example. Josh decided to get the sleeping bags out and pretend he was a monster chasing her but he couldn't see her. She thought this was hysterical! She kept running around him saying, "I'm here daddy! No, I'm here daddy!" What a crack up:)

New way to eat a sucker!

Josh's Softball Game

Josh plays softball on Monday nights and Ella absolutely LOVES going to his games! She seems to understand what's going on too. She sits and watches. When Josh comes up to bat she runs up to the fence, grabs on and yells, "Go Daddy Go!" She also does the same for our friend Mike (her friend Taylor's dad)! It's so cute!