Sunday, April 25, 2010

Winter Park

Josh and I escaped for the weekend and went up to Winter Park. We had such a great was really nice to be away. The weather was crazy! Spring storm brought 2 feet of snow while we were there!! We stayed at a lodge in town and we visited Snow Mountain Ranch (the place we were married at). It was beautiful with all of the snow. So many great memories there:) We are planning on bringing the girls back this summer, they will love it! We also found a small winery in town and did some wine tasting. We were the only couple in there so we were able to go behind the scenes to see their barrels and the process they use to make the wine. It was such a cute place, we loved it! The girls were lucky to have my parents stay with them:) They had just as much fun as we did! Thanks again Mimi and Papa!!

Ears Pierced!!!

She has been wanting to do this for a long time!! She finally decided she was brave enough and went for it:) She is very proud of herself and we were so proud of her that she actually did it!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Brooklyn's on the Move!

She has figured out how to get to what she wants!! She scoots around the house just like Ella did:)

Mom's 60th Birthday!

My mom turned 60 this month! Can't beleive it because she sure doesn't look it! We surprised her with a few of her best friends who are also the moms of my best friends growing up. In the picture is my mom, Alice (Kelin's mom), Robin (Hillary's mom), and Karenne (Becky's mom)! They have all been second mothers to me since elementary/middle school and I LOVE them!!! Happy birthday mom!! I hope I look as good as you when I'm 60:) We love you!

Brooklyn's First Tooth!

It's hard to see but it's on the bottom.


Josh and Ella decided to plant a garden this year...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Brooklyn Getting Excited:)

When Brooklyn gets excited, she buries her face in the ground and kicks her legs like crazy! It's the best first thing in the morning when she wakes up...she'll start talking in her crib and as soon as open the door to get her, she does it. It's so funny!

Taylor Swift Concert

For Ella's birthday, we bought tickets to see Taylor Swift!! Of course Ella was THRILLED!!! The concert was AWESOME!! She is such a great entertainer! The look on Ella's face was priceless! Total amazement! I even teared up because I could tell how excited she was to actually see her in person. Taylor Swift ended up coming out into the audience and sang a few songs directly in front of us. She is so good! I love her:) Ella never looked away and sang every song along with her. The kids had glow sticks that they swayed back and forth. Ty also used his as a guitar:) They were rocking out! My cousin Megan made a shirt for Ella that was super cute! Thanks Megan!

Rec Center

Swimming at the rec center and learning how to play racquetball


I was putting away laundry while the girls were playing in Brooklyn's crib. I heard a bunch of giggling going on and when I looked...Ella said, "Mommy! We're having a sleep over and it's SOOO cozy!!!"


We had a very low-key Easter this year which was very nice:) We have had so much going on lately that it was nice to just relax and sleep in. Brooklyn slept in until 9:30am!! Ella had already been up, found all the eggs and both Easter baskets. Ella also found an old hat that she wore one year and insisted that Brooklyn wear it (even though it had been crushed). Brooklyn started sitting up by herself Easter morning while playing with a basket of eggs. She has been very excited ever since! After playing with their fun new toys we went to Josh's mom's house for dinner. We turned the heat down on the hot tub and brought the girls in. Brooklyn is a CRAZY water baby and Ella is getting better and better at plugging her nose and going under. It was a great day

Easter Fun

Bunny ears from Nina:)
Decorating Easter cookies
Watching Ella decorate eggs
Dying eggs with Taylor