Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baby Wheeler

After two very long years...we're happy to announce that I'm pregnant! We had our first ultrasound this morning so we were able to see the baby and hear the heartbeat! It was crazy and the best peace of mind for us:) We have been so nervous...we didn't want to tell anyone until we knew everything was ok this time. I am due October 8th. Ella is absolutely THRILLED!!! This is going to be a long wait for her!


Last weekend Josh and I took Ella to a place called Jump-Street. It is a factory building that is filled with trampolines! The entire floor and even the walls have trampolines all over them so you can jump everywhere! Josh and I loved it but Ella was pretty intimidated because there were kids EVERYWHERE jumping like crazy! This video is of Josh trying to jump on the wall for the first time, it was so funny! It was a lot easier once you got used to it:)

Big Bike

Look out!!! The first time on the bike, she was scared to death and wanted to get off. This video is the second time she has ever been on it...what a difference!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sweet Friend

Ella and I were at the store yesterday and she told me she wanted to make cupcakes for her friends at school for Valentine's Day. I thought it was really sweet! So we baked them and after her bath she decorated them.

Our LIttle Ballerina:)

We signed Ella up for ballet class and she was SO excited! She said she had to put her tu tu on and get ready (the class doesn't start until March):) This was her getting ready and showing us her dance moves!

Our Little Princess:)

Ella and Ty

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Denver Museum