Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ella's New Bike

Ella got a new bike for her birthday and is doing very well, she is even trying it with out training wheels here and there! This is a HUGE step for her because a couple years ago she had a bad fall off her bike and has not wanted to ride since:( Last summer was the first time she even got back on a bike! We're hoping this summer we can work on ditching the training wheels forever!

Christmas Week

Nina, Josh's brother Nate and our three nieces Marisa, Megan, and Mia came to visit during Christmas week. What do you do to entertain FIVE girls for a week?? You go to the Adventure Science Center, go to GoofBalls, swimming, play games, paint pottery, go out for lunches/dinners/ice cream, ride bikes/scooters, play soccer and go to the park! What a crazy busy, crazy fun week:) We even had a chance to do a photo shoot of all the girls together. They had so much fun and kept asking, what are we going to do next?! It was amazing to see how they communicated together since Marisa/Megan/Mia use sign language. They all figured it out and it was never an issue for them...all we heard were giggles out of all five of them:) Our girls adapted and were very quiet all week, they even picked up some signs and started using it with them which was very cute to see.

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas!! The girls LOVED Christmas morning as always! Nina's flight came in that morning just in time for breakfast casserole and mimosas:)

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is one of our most favorite times of the year! It's always such a special time with family. We went to our church which had unbelievable music!! They had a guest singer Malinda Dolittle from American Idol come sing with Matthew West and they were amazing! Then we went out to dinner, which is always hit or miss with little B girl but she was so well behaved that I told Josh I think it was the most enjoyable dinner EVER:) What a blessing it was for us! She sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and Jingle Bells about a million times as well as waved to everyone in the restaurant yelling Merry Christmas!!!! Ella was very sweet and kept giggling all night, you could just see the Christmas spirit on her sweet little face:) Her favorite part of the night was getting to go in the worship room with us to sing carols and hold a candle during the lighting service (she felt very grown up).

Making Christmas Cookies

Dickens Days in Franklin

Nina flew in and friends Mona and Cliff came to visit Dickens Days in Franklin. The town became the story of A Christmas Carol. It was FREEZING cold so we only lasted a couple hours and then went back to our house to hang out and catch up with everyone:)

Nina and Mona

"No, I don't want to see Santa! No Mama!"