Thursday, January 22, 2009


Denver has been breaking records left and right with the weather! It's been in the 70's this week! Crazy for January! My friend Lesley and I took advantage of the nice day on Tuesday and took the girls to the zoo. It was awesome! It was not crowded and all the animals were out sunning themselves. We packed a picnic and got harassed by a goose. The girls thought it was hilarious as we constantly chased it away!

Casa Bonita

Josh and I took Ella to Casa Bonita last weekend. It's an incredible place to eat/play. The food it terrible but the inside of the place is amazing! It's like walking into a giant cave with palm trees, cliff divers, haunted caves, puppet shows, live mariachi band, treasure chests filled with candy, games, plays, etc! There is so much to do, Ella didn't know where to start:) We used to go when we were kids and haven't been since so it was really fun watching Ella run around and enjoy the same stuff!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Birthday Wishes for Shavonne:)

This video is for Shavonne. Her and Marcus live in Australia and with the 16 hour time difference between us we ALWAYS miss each others call. So...Happy Birthday Shavonne in case we don't get in touch! We miss you guys SO much and can't wait to see you in May!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Ella!

Ella had a fantastic, low key, birthday this year! She's a big three year old now! We can't believe it! She had a cute birthday dress on for a few minutes but then of course changed into one of her Disney princess dresses...she's in a new one everyday. Happy Birthday Ella, we love you so much:)

Superstar! Lifeguard!

This is a long time joke between my cousin and I...basically we were obsessed with the movie Superstar when it first came out. This one's for you Megan!