Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mimi and Papa Visit!

My parents came to visit last weekend! We had so much fun and have missed them SO much!! They came to help us finish up some house projects and entertain the girls so we could get some packing done! They were a HUGE help!!! The girls absolutely loved having them here at their beck and call:) Brooklyn walked around the house yelling, "Mimi! Mimi! Mimi! Mimi!" and still does even though she has gone home:( My mom and I took the girls to visit the American Girl store and then out to lunch. Ella picked out a new guitar for her doll Lanie. She was so excited! Then Brooklyn had her special time with Mimi when they went to the Sweet and Sassy Salon for her first haircut:) My dad helped Josh with house projects and chased the girls around the house! Nina came by to help pack up our basement. Wow...we got a lot done but also had a lot of fun! THANK YOU Mimi/Papa/Nina!!

Morning playtime with Mimi
Mimi took Brooklyn to the Sweet and Sassy Salon for her first haircut:) No more baby mullet!
Dinner with Mimi, Papa, and Nina

Playing computer games with Papa

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