After a wonderful candlelight church service, we hosted Christmas Eve at our house with family and friends. Wine, hors d'oeuvres and much fun! How many people does it take to put together a Fisher Price car?!
Merry Christmas! Wow, can't believe it has already come and gone! We had so much fun celebrating Christmas with the girls and Nina! Ella kept saying, "I just LOVE Christmas! This is SO much fun! I just Love it!" Brooklyn didn't really know what to do...she kept pacing the house and going from toy to toy:) Ella has been busy playing with her doll house while Brooklyn has been inseparable with her new Princess Cozy Coupe car! We really missed you mom and dad! We are very thankful for cell phones and Skype though:) We are also VERY thankful for all of the wonderful presents our family sent! Love and hugs to all!!
Ready for the girls to wake up!! Ella and Josh making Shrinky Dinks...I used to love those when I was little! Brooklyn was exhausted from playing, climbed up on me and fell asleep within seconds! Setting up a Tea Party
Ella had her Christmas Program last week. She was SO nervous and even began crying as the time grew closer. The night before her program she told me that she wished she could be me, when I asked why she said because then she wouldn't have to sing in her program! After much preparation and bribery she amazed us and earned an Ariel doll! We are SO proud of her!!
We watched our friend's cat, Molly, while they moved. This was the first day and Brooklyn wasn't so sure about her. After the first week, she LOVED her!! The first thing she would say when she woke up was, "Molly....kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty...Molly!" She still asks for her even though she's not here anymore:(
She scrunches up her nose to make a silly's so cute because Ella used to do it all the time too when she was that age! She wanted to wear Ella's goggles so I put them on and she just laid there on the couch watching cartoons, so funny! Helping Daddy put up Christmas lights
We put the tree up while Brooklyn was taking a nap. When she woke up, she walked out and looked at the tree carefully, then turned around with a big smile on her face and said, "Pretty!" It was really sweet:) This is our Advent House. It has little rooms for each day of December. Santa fills each door with candies the night before the girls wake up. It's the first thing Ella does when she wakes up now! She was excited to see what she got on the first day:)